Former Indian spinner Harbhajan Singh said he and MS Dhoni are not on speaking terms. Speaking to News18, Harbhajan revealed that although he has no problems with MS Dhoni, he and the former Indian captain are no longer friends.
Harbhajan and MS Dhoni were integral parts of the Indian team that won the 2007 T20 World Cup and the 2011 ODI World Cup. While Dhoni was team captain in bot editions and was the brains of the team, Harbhajan shined with 7 and 9 wickets in the respective tournaments.
The spinner revealed that he and MS Dhoni did not talk to each other off the field during their years at the Chennai Super Kings. Harbhajan played for the Chennai-based franchise between 2018 and 2020. He further added that he only calls people who answer his calls.
“No, I don’t talk to Dhoni. When I played at CSK, that’s when we used to talk, but otherwise we haven’t talked. It’s been 10 years or more. I have no reason; maybe he does. I don’t know what the reasons are. When we played in the IPL at CSK, that’s when we talked, and even that was limited to the camp. After that, he no longer came to my room, nor did I go to his,” Harbhajan Singh told News18.
“I have nothing against him. If he has something to say, he can tell me. But if he did, he would have already told me. I never tried to call him because I have a lot of passion. I only call those who answer my calls. Otherwise, I don’t have time.
I keep in touch with people I am friends with. A relationship is always a matter of give and take. If I respect you, I hope you respect me in turn. Or that you respond to me. But if I call you once or twice but don’t get a response, I will probably only meet with you when necessary,” the spinner added.
The last time Harbhajan and Dhoni represented India together was in 2015, in an ODI against South Africa. After the 2015 World Cup, Harbhajan and Yuvraj Singh were dropped from the Indian team. While Harbhajan did not play after 2015, he announced his retirement from all forms of cricket in 2021.
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